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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in node_privacy_byrole_nodeapi_prepare() (line 216 of /mnt/datos/html/packages/drupal7/sites/all/modules/node_privacy_byrole/node_privacy_byrole.module).

Practical Information

Registration for MLSS:

We will be in the reception area of the Hotel Taburiente Playa for registration of summer school attendees at the following times:

  • Tuesday 10th April: 18:00 - 20:00
  • Wednesday 11th April: 07:30 - 09:00

Transport from the airport to the Hotel Taburiente Playa:

There are two options to get from the airport in La Palma to the hotel:

1. Taxi: Available outside arrivals. Cost approximately €6.

2. Bus: From arrivals, take line number 500 in the direction of Santa Cruz de La Palma. Ask the driver to let you know when you are at the Hotel Taburiente, Los Cancajos. Journey takes about 8 mins. Cost €1.30.

Information for poster session:

The poster boards are 2x1 meters portrait


The Summer School will be held in the Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa, in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain.


There are two possibilities for accommodation:

Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa (MLSS venue):

  • Double room with breakfast: 34 euros per person per day
  • Double room with breakfast plus dinner: 37 euros per person per day    
  • Single room with breakfast: 54 euros per person per day
  • Single room with breakfast and dinner: 57 euros per person per day

There is a limited number of single rooms.

Apartaments in H10 Costa Salinas:

  • Apartment for one person with breakfast: 42 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for one person with breakfast and dinner: 52 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for two people with breakfast: 27 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for two people with breakfast and dinner: 32 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for three people (one in sofa bed) with breakfast: 25 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for three people (one in sofa bed) with breakfast and dinner: 30 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for four people (two rooms) with breakfast: 25 euros per person per day
  • Apartment for four people (two rooms) with breakfast and dinner: 30 euros per person per day

There is a limited number of two rooms apartments.

All prices include taxes.

Each attendant should include their preferences during registration in order to arrange the shared accommodations.

How to get to La Palma:

There are two recommended ways to get to La Palma (airport code SPC) by plane:

  1. Fly to Tenerife Norte (TFN) and take a connecting flight to La Palma.
  2. Fly to Madrid (MAD) and from Madrid to La Palma

If your flight lands at Tenerife Sur (TFS) the most recommended option to reach La Palma is to take a bus to Tenerife Norte Airport (TFN) and then a flight to La Palma.

Local Information:

The following links lead to webs with local information about La Palma:




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